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Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church

Minong Bible Study, on hold

 Leader: Pastor Warskow
Homes in Minong Area

Meeting Day(s): Wednesdays, see calendar for time/dates
We will continue to meet when it is safe to do so.

Minong Bible Class: 
 Meeting as scheduled.  Go to the home page and click the calendar link to view the current time and date scheduled.

A number of members and friends of our congregation live in the Minong area north of Spooner. We offer a Bible Class in that area to make it easier for more people to attend. We we have our study at the homes of  members in that area. If you live near Minong or know people who do, please join us and invite others to come. To check the schedule; go to the home page and click the calendar link.

If you have questions, please contact Pastor Warskow 715-635-7672.

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